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By Ataisi Frank

When I insisted we report the case of frequent beating to FIDA which resulted to her loosing her 1st, 2nd and 3rd pregnancy within a 1 year period in a very painful condition, then I discovered how much I needed to be an agent and a voice against domestic violence in marriage either against the woman or man and even the children and domestic helps, in a more visible dimension, so I am looking out for more cases to report to FIDA and follow up same, this nonsense got to stop or be drastically reduced and controlled, marriage and family life is meant to be heaven on earth, not some sort of journey to hell all in the name differences leading to untold psychological disorder and emotional trauma. Dress Affordable short wears in white

Sadly enough this discovery came to the front burner in our quest to control domestic violence against women, we observed that the rate at which the BOY CHILD or let's say MAN CHILD is neglected, calls for reflection and redirection, cause it is a danger sign and predominately at the root of this societal menace. Most boys and men suffer silently and break in a way that is unthinkable yet all we hear is,"he should be strong, he shouldn't cry, he should be brave" owing to the fact of his MANHOOD and some perceived cultural sentiment, yet he carries a lot on his mind and unimaginable burden and bitterness residing inside his soul,dangerously begging for expression.

I am using this little Facebook post as a wake up call. Let's do more. Let's pay close attention to the BOY OR MAN CHILD, as to address some factors at the root, let's protect the GIRL OR WOMAN CHILD from harm and hurt. Let's call on the UNITED NATION ORGANIZATION(UNO) to dedicate a day to mark the BOY CHILD, thereby highlighting the problems and prospects of BOYHOOD AND MANHOOD.

Thanks and God bless you for reading.

# TouchingLives
# OnGodsQuest
# Ataisi